We have a wide range of control cables for all types of vehicles, for example cables for the operation of functions – brake, gear shift or clutch – and even an assortment of universal cables for starting.

Oil pans
Our aluminum lower pans achieve optimum engine performance and help prevent possible failures, since they collect and contain the oil that is lost in a highly efficient way. They are manufactured in aluminum and steel sheet.

Fuel filters
The excellent design and precise finish of our filters manages to retain a greater amount of impurities in the fuel, which prevents them from reaching the engine, thus optimizing its operation and extending its useful life. Among our wide range of filters you will even find the complete filter body, which in some cases includes the priming pump.

Cabin filters
Our filters are made with an improved material with activated carbon, which means we get a denser paper that retains much finer particles from the outside air that enters the interior of the vehicle. Thus, we managed to protect the occupants of the vehicle much more safely and efficiently.

Timing kits
Timing kits that, thanks to their composition of elements, allow not only to synchronize the engine times, but also to open and close the exhaust transmission valve and ignition of the engine. The distribution chain kits offered by STC are made up of a chain (some kits include the chain for the oil pump), toothed wheels (camshaft and crankshaft), tensioner and guide rails.

Brake hoses
Large variety of rubber and steel hoses combined to prevent possible cracks or leakage of brake fluid. That is why the STC hoses ensure the correct transmission of the brake fluid pressure, avoiding possible system failures.

Wiper washer
The ergonomic design of our wipers washer achieves a perfect adaptation and displacement on the glass, with an articulated automatic movement that eliminates to the maximum the remains of water, snow or dirt.

Alternator pulleys
We have an excellent range of free pulleys with an innovative design that allows the alternator doesn’t create resistance in the belt when the engine slows down. With this we achieve reduce the vibration, wear and noise that would generate the displacement of the belt. In addition, these pulleys ensure that the electrical energy is transmitted correctly to additional accessories that need it, such as air conditioning.

Crankshaft pulleys
Our pulleys are manufactured in a combination of steel and rubber that improves the absorption of the accelerations and the tension of the timing belt generated by the resonance of the engine. These pulleys are highly efficient when it comes to facilitating the movement of auxiliary engine components, such as the alternator or the power steering pump.

ABS sensors
The safety of the occupants of a vehicle is the most important. That is why our sensors have a highly sophisticated design: detect when the vehicle’s wheels are about to be blocked after abrupt braking, which immediately reduces the pressure on the brake and prevents total loss of control of the vehicle.

Oil separators
Our oil separators have an exclusive design that guarantees an optimal separation between the lubricating oil and the air, thus we manage to reduce the polluting emissions.

Exhaust mounts
Our supports are manufactured with a high quality rubber that completely isolate the system from the shocks and vibrations that may suffer while driving. In addition, they have an improved design that more securely holds the exhaust system and keeps it attached to the vehicle.

Alternator tensioners
Our tensioners and rollers guarantee the continuous operation of the generator and the engine, keeping the alternator belt tensioned and allowing a correct electrical transmission. In addition, they ensure high performance at high speed and temperature.

EGR Valves
We have a wide range of EGR valves that reduce the amount of harmful gases emitted. Our advanced anti-pollution system ensures that part of the exhaust gases are recirculated to the admission, which contributes to the care and improvement of the environment.